Planning and Managing Security in Crowded Events and in Olympic Games

Placing Data Protection and Physical Cyber Security Expert Managers in Organizations and Corporations

Octagon Secure Ltd. provides data protection and physical cyber security expert manager placement services to government organizations, corporations and commercial companies, and supply chain security services to the defense industries, by outsourcing former Secret Service, Israel Security Agency, and Israeli intelligence units’ data protection and cyber security officers.

The Data Protection Specialist Placement Department

The company is recruiting experienced security managers who underwent government and civilian training on data protection, who held important positions in the area of data protection and physical cyber security in the Israeli security establishment, who are knowledgeable and experienced in designing and constructing security systems, controlling and supervising data protection and cyber security, organization assets and critical facility infrastructures.

The Business Intelligence Desk Entity Business Intelligence Team

The company provides business and employment intelligence solutions, due diligence, and information about the reliability of entities with whom the customer has business or employment connections. Business intelligence investigators – overt and covert counterintelligence and employment investigation of employees, service providers, vendors, and outside consultants. The business intelligence desk – providing real-time intelligence about outside entities, trade partners, commercial companies, and people who have employment or business relations with the organization.

The Octagon Secure Company placement process – an assessment of the situation in the organization that needs a security officer, including a security survey and a vulnerability assessment in all areas in the organization; as necessary, we will carry out a focused or an extended auditing process, through the Octagon Secure Intelligence and Auditing Team.

The Company’s Areas of Experience in Placing Managers Include:

  1. Analyzing and assessing the current situation, planning all layers of physical security in the organization.
  2. Applying physical and technological protection of information and cyber systems, protection of essential assets and critical infrastructures, and commercial/security secrets.
  3. Implementing and realizing the organization’s security policy through close supervision and control of social engineering in terms of employee reliability and ethics.
  4. Supervision of the organization tree – officers and people who hold sensitive positions and deal with core areas, who are exposed to the organization’s critical information.
  5. Authorizations management and control of access to classified areas, supervision of technological systems, and technical equipment.
  6. Providing real-time (online) data protection solutions in periodic company events, discussions, meetings, and extra organizational activities.
  7. Supervision and security and intelligence control of procurement and trade processes, the supply chain, and transportation, cargo and goods, the facility’s inventory and property.
  8. Security diagnosis as part of the recruitment process, and supervision of employee intake processes and/or employee termination processes in the organization.

State government experience

Business and commercial experience

Expert team of experts

A world-wide experience

Long-term strategic planning

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